That Asian Thing Website

Welcome to "That Asian Thing" News! Check here often to find out what's going on with the documentary, production notes, ideas, viewings, and random thought releases from the director. Don't forget to click on the links to find other realms of "That Asian Thing." Thank you for coming and keep up the support!

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May 27, 2008

One more month! Keep it going everyone!!

We're making waves, boys and gals! I wanted to send a lot of thanks and appreciation to all the people that have been supporting the film by telling all their friends and friends to watch online and vote. Really guys - thanks!! This is awesome! I get a great feeling of knowing that I'm not really alone in this, and when I see people post messages on their facebook, myspace, or other social networking tool, I get another surge to keep pushing. So thanks for keeping me motivated, y'all.

With this, I wanted to people to check out Asiance Magazine. It's a magazine geared toward the younger generation of Asian/Asian-American women in the pursuit to keep them empowered within our society. In connection with the documentary, Asian/Asian-American women have been labeled as the exotic mistresses - but unfortunately, this is how they've been stereotyped and categorized. "That Asian Thing" has a portion of the film that focuses on this issue in hopes to open the eyes of people and let them know that the Asian/Asian-American women can be just as powerful in the "hard-working, business man." Asiance Magazine devotes themselves to the metropolitan women and talks about these issues as well as cultural, social, and personal views. They've been great and have posted a tid bit about "That Asian Thing" on their Daily section. Here's the link:

If you guys have the chance, you can use their "Share" link to post on your myspace, facebook, etc, or even email the article to your friends. Also leave a comment about the film so it entices more people! oooooh!!

Otherwise - ONE MORE MONTH TO GO!! I apologize for Jonald Jude spam if you've received so many emails about the film, but we need your vote. Please read the previous posts to learn on how to watch the film and vote. Also - if you've voted already, please make sure your vote counted by logging back in and click on the value of stars you'd like to give the film - that's how you vote. At one point, all the votes were reset but I believe everything is kosher now.

Be good everyone and let's bring this up a notch!

May 12, 2008


Finally - the Lycos people have fixed the viewing problemo!! You can now watch "That Asian Thing" online and VOTE!! Read up on the last three posts to get up to speed...

Here's the new details on watching and voting:

Go to:

At the top left of the screen - click on "Sign in." Log in or sign up - just need a valid email address.

After logging in, go to the search box at the top right of the screen. Type in "That Asian Thing" and viola!

Click on watch now! Watch the flick and when you're done, click on the amount of stars you want to give the film. That's it! Super easy, super cool, and super free!

And if you don't have the 84 minutes to spare, you can always vote now and watch later. Be sure to be logged in and your vote is by clickin on the stars. (Just had to reiterate cause I was a bit confused at first myself.)

Thanks for all your patience guys! I appreciate it...


May 05, 2008

I know about the technical difficulties...

Hey all - Jonald Reyes here. And yes, I've received a handful of emails from people regarding our online competition through Independent Features Film Festival. First - if you tried to do it before Monday, May 5th - it wasn't going to work because that's not when the viewing period started. Second - now that we're on the actual start date, the procedure on the website has undergone a bit of a change. So if you've received an email by form of chain mail from me - I apologize for the step-by-step directions that now seem incorrect.

Independent Features is teaming up with Lycos and Lycos is using this competition to showcase their new online cinema feature. However, it looks as though viewing "That Asian Thing" even after registering through the Lycos Cinema website still isn't working.

(Sigh) - I'm sorry to stir y'all up guys....

It's one thing to try and grow a fan base, but then it's another thing to not produce results when you say you will. This is rough on my own mentality and stresses me out. Even if you know me personally, you know how much work I've put into this project. It's become my second life. Something like this definitely gets me down.

ANYHOO - that post is for a quitter and I just can't do that...not yet - I hope y'all don't give up on me either. Please continue to log unto the Independent Features website and go thru the Lycos hub bub. STAY WITH ME GUYS!!

I've emailed the Independent Features people and hopefully things are being worked on behind the scenes...

I'm telling ya - my next project is a stellar screenplay currently in the works. I just need "That Asian Thing" to grow a little buzz, so that when this screenplay is made into a film - I'll hopefully have a little opening in that doorway.

Thanks everyone! Really - thanks!
