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November 05, 2008

Post historic date update!

Wow - Chicago is now in the midst of the nation's eye. Not only have we taken part in a historic moment by electing an African-American president, but we're also about to embark on the 5th Anniversary of the Chicago Filipino American Film Festival! (haha - great transition!) But really - I wanted to not only applaud all of the people that helped in Barack Obama's journey, but I'd like to stand-up and cheer for all the Asian-Americans that pushed our community to go out and vote. As an Asian-American filmmaker, I've done research on film festivals and have built many relationships with the people involved, including other artists/filmmakers, and as we're now in a technologically advanced, grassroots method of interaction on the internet, I've seen people/friends in locations near and far put extra efforts in placing the Asian-American community as an important portion of the voting numbers.

So thanks to all of them to which I bow...


THIS SATURDAY! ONE O'CLOCK P.M. AT THE HISTORIC PORTAGE THEATER! "THAT ASIAN THING" CHICAGO PREMIERE - BE THERE! (you should be reading that in a movie trailer voice-over sort of way) Not only will I be present, but other filmmakers and artists will be in attendance amongst the crowd that shall show up. I urge you to pass this news over to your friends and tell them to pass it to their friends because the Portage Theater is well worth the look and feel of a true cinematic experience. I'm not putting down the advanced "IMAX with super dolby digital X-5000 supersonic, see in the future, ultra ray-ban, as seen only on t.v., surround sound" movie feel, BUT if you're a big movie buff and have always wanted to see a classic theater, THIS is the place to be. Not only that, but the Portage is cool enough to sell alcohol for all y'all 21 and up folks. This will no doubt induce party atmosphere to which watching a documentary about very talented Asian-American artists right in the Chicago area will only add to the fun. So come on out this Saturday for a screening not to be missed!


As usual, I'd like to give a handshake thanks and hat tip to the postive posters of plugs for the documentary and the Chicago Filipino American Film Festival itself. There the coolest of the cool, so if you're not reading up on "That Asian Thing" blog, I suggest checking them out too. THANKS Y'ALL!!


Slant Eye for the Round Eye:

Angry Asian Man:

And lastly with the websites - WE'VE MADE IT ON IMDB.COM - the biggest internet movie database known to man! YAHOOooooOOOOoooo!!!

Please log on and post anything you can about "That Asian Thing":

Thanks again!


Don't miss the world premiere of Contriband's music video to "The Addict" as part of the music video competition at the Chicago Filipino American Film Festival. This will begin on Friday, November 7th @ 10:30 pm @ Portage Theater, with a live performance on the card. Come out and support!

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