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September 12, 2006

Where ya been?

I just wanted to leave a little post saying that although I may be M.I.A. (Missing in AsianThing), I've actually slowed down to concentrate on the narrative overview of the movie. It's like I'm writing a screenplay, but I have the scenes already tapped. In a way, I'm conducting this monstrosity of an overture. So it will take a little time and inventive writing to say what hasn't already been said about Asian-America.

Currently, I'm reading up on different Asian-American literature. And yes - to all you high-brow Asian-American aficionados - I do know that there are SO many books about the topic at hand. Therefore, I apologize if I leave a thought out or repeat a notion that's already been scribed. I can only read so much and retain so much information. However - I am definitely willing and able to read up on any recommendations that any of you have out there. So please don't hesitate to drop some knowledge.

Here's what I've been reading up on to help in the writing:

-Different excerpts from Mr. Frank Chin, who has written Donald Duk - which is what gets my imagination going and let's me explore different routes on how to construct my narrative.

-The Asian Mystique by Sheridan Prasso. This is to help me expose the stereotyping of submissive Asian women.

-I just finished The Accidental Asian by Eric Liu. By far an easy read, but so well understood and definitely relatable. Mr. Liu use to be a speech writer for President Bill Clinton. It's pretty good....

-and also Asian-America: The Movement and the Moment. Great insight on protests from yesteryear on Asian-America. Pictures, essays, authors galore!

SO - yes, I'm keeping busy. There are a few interviews here and there and of course, they'll get their fair just on the production notes. Otherwise - I'm around....writing.....somewhere.....

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